Indian Visa from Thailand

Indian Visa for Thai Citizens

Apply for Indian Visa from Thailand
Updated on Jun 05, 2024 | Online Indian Visa

Indian Visa from Thailand

Indian e-Visa Eligibility

  • Thai citizens can apply for an eVisa India
  • Thailand was a launch member of the India e-Visa program
  • Thai citizens should submit the eVisa application at least 4 days before travelling to India
  • Thai Passport must be Ordinary or Regular, Diplomatic Passport is not allowed.

Other e-Visa Requirements


Process for Thai Citizens to complete the Indian e-Visa Application

The Indian Visa for Thai citizens has been available as online application form since 2014. This is online Indian Visa Application Process which doesn't need any paper based formalities to be completed by the Thai residents.

Indian e-Visa is official document permitting entry into and travel within India to Thai residents and citizens for the reasons for tourism, the travel industry, clinical visits, conferences, yoga, courses, workshops, deal and exchange, humanitarian effort and other business adventures on this new system of Indian e-Visa.

Online Indian Visa from Thailand can be procured online and applicants can pay using Thai Baht or any of the 135 currencies using their Debit or Credit card.

Indian Visa for Thai Citizens can be acquired in simple and easy manner. The process is as simple as filling an online form in few minutes, easy to complete payment method to finish Indian Online Visa Application form.

After your Indian Visa Application is submitted, if our staff requires additional proof like your passport copy or face photograph we will request you. You may do so in response to our email or upload it at a future date. Our Indian Visa Help Desk can assist you in 47 languages. You can send us your information online or by email at [email protected]. Government of India now allows eVisa India to be filled for Thai Citizens for visits up to 90 days for multiple entries in India.

Is there a requirement for Thai Citizens to visit Indian Embassy at any stage?

When Indian Visa from Thailand is applied online there is no requirement at any stage to visit Indian Embassy or Indian Consulate. Once the eVisa for India is received by email, you are authorised to travel to India..

You do not have to visit Indian Embassy for any confirmation or stamp on the passport.

Indian Visa Online is recorded in the central computer system of the Government of India, the Immigration Officers can access this information from any Airport of the world. Your name and passport number and Thai Nationality is recorded in the computer system.

Thai citizens are required to either keep a soft copy of email received on Phone/Computer/Tablet or printed copy and carry the eVisa to the airport. There is no stamp requirement on the passport for Thai citizens for the electronic Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) that is sent in an email.

Are Thai citizens required to courier passport / photograph / documents to Indian Embassy?

No, you do not need courier any required or supporting document to obtain Indian e-Visa. Thai Citizens can either send the evidence documents either by email in response to a query by Immigration Officer or Government of India requirement regarding your Indian Visa Application or upload documents on this website in case required to support your India Visa Application. The link to upload documents required for Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) will be sent to the applicant’s email address provided at the time of filing Indian Visa Online. Thai Citizens can also email directly to India e-Visa Help Desk.

What help and support can Thai Citizens get for filing the Indian Visa Online (India e-Visa)?

One of the big advantages of applying Indian Visa Online from this website for the Government of India official immigration Visa is that Thai Citizens can provide us with the supporting documents for your Indian Visa Application either by email or upload on the portal. Additionally, you can email our friendly Indian Visa Customer Support staff in any file format like JPG, TIF, PNG, JPEG, AI, SVG and many more saving you the time and hassle of file conversion or compression of files. This is ideal for customers who are not technically savvy because physical visit to Indian Embassy can result in rejection of the Indian Visa Application because of blurry bad photograph or passport scan copy.

In case the Immigration Officers from the Government of India require additional documents to support Thai Citizens trip to India, then you can click on this link as to what are the Indian Visa Documents Requirements. You can read about requirements for essential documents here - Indian Visa Photograph Requirements and Indian Visa Passport Requirements. You can take a photo of your passport page and of your own face by your mobile phone or a camera and email Indian Visa Customer Support or upload on this website.

Can I apply for a Business Visit to India on Thai passport?

Indian Visa from Thailand can be applied for business visits as well as tourist and medical visit under the Indian Government policy of eVisa India (India Visa Online). Business journey to India by Thai Citizens can be for any of the several reasons as described in detail in  Business e-Visa for India.

How long does approval of Thai application take?

In the business as usual circumstances you can get a decision in 3 or 4 days. However this assumes that you have completed the Indian Visa Application Form online correctly and uploaded required documents. Completing the form correctly means putting in correct passport information like first name, surname, date of birth without a mismatch and have also provided any additional supporting application documents like Thai Passport scan copy and Face photograph. In case of a Business Visa you would have been additionally required to provide a Business Card and Business Invitation Letter or a Medical Letter from the hospital in case of Medical e-Visa for India. In some cases however it could take up to 7 business days depending on the correctness of the data in the Indian Visa Application or public holidays scheduled in India at the time of application or the busy holiday season.

What facilities can be enjoyed with regards to the Indian e-Visa by the Thai Citizens?

The advantages of the Indian Visa Online received electronically (eVisa India) are as follows:

  • Depending on the type of Visa applied for Thai Citizens are eligible to obtain an India Visa Online for up to 5 years in Validity.
  • Indian Visa for Thai Citizens can be used to enter India multiple times
  • Thai Citizens can utilize eVisa India (Indian Visa Online) for 90 day continuous and uninterrupted entry into India.
  • India Visa Online is valid on 31 airports and 5 seaports for rather than land based immigration checkpoints for road travellers.
  • This India Visa Online permits passage in all States and Union Territories of India.
  • Indian Visa Online can be used for Tourism, Medical and Business Visits by the Thai Citizens

What are the limitations with regards to the Indian e-Visa for Thai Citizens?

There are a few limitations of Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) which are: Thai Citizens cannot pursue journalism, film making, university degree in India or long term paid work on eVisa India (India Visa Online). Additionally, India Visa Online (eVisa India) does not provide the privilege of visiting military or cantonment areas – separate permission is required from the Government of India to visit these protected sites.

What should be Thai Citizens be aware of if coming to Indian on e-Visa?

Arriving on Indian e-Visa

The guidance provided on this website for the Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) is sufficient for Thai citizens, however the additional guidance and tips will be helpful to avoid the embarrassment of rejection or being refused entry into India. Indian Business Visa and Business Visitor arriving on Indian Business Visa have helpful guidance to prepare you for a successful outcome for your business visit to India.

Try not to Overstay

There is a fine of 300 US Dollars in India for exceeding your stay by as long as 90 days. Also, as much as 500 dollars fine for over staying to 2 years. Indian Government can likewise make legitimate move to impose penalty.

You may likewise impact your reputation for future travel and make it difficult to obtain visa for different nations by over extending your stay in India.

Take printout of Indian Visa sent by Email

While it isn't a necessity to have a paper copy of the Indian e-Visa (Indian Visa Online) for Thai Citizens, it is more secure to do so on the grounds that your mobile phone which has the email confirmation might get misplaced or battery might be depleted and you will be unable to give the proof of having gotten electronic Indian Visa (eVisa India). Paper printout can server as proof of Indian e-Visa approval at the port of entry.

Ensure Passport has 2 blank pages

You have to have 2 empty or blank pages so the immigration officials of the Indian Immigration Department can append section stamp and leave stamp on your Passport at the airport.

Passport validity of 6 months

Your identification travel document which in most cases is an Ordinary Passport must be valid for a half year on the date of application of Indian Visa Application.

Please describe the application process for Indian Visa for Thai Citizens?

There are several types of Indian Visa, depending on the citizenship of the visitor. Thai Citizens need to complete the following simple steps to acquire Indian Visa:

  • Step 1: Fill out the easy and straightforward Indian Visa Application Form, (Estimated time to complete is 3 minutes for most applicants).
  • Step 2: Pay in 1 of 137 currencies using a Debit or Credit card.
  • Step 3: Provide additional information, if requested by Government of India, we will email you if any further details are requested from you.
  • Step 4: Get an approved electronic Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) by email.
  • Step 5: You can go to any Thai or foreign airport to board your flight for India..
  • You do not have to visit Indian Embassy during this process.
  • You do not require a stamp on your passport.
  • Indian electronic Visa is recorded in the computer system that Immigration Officers can access from any airport in the world.
  • You should wait for our email before departing to the airport until we have emailed you an approved electronic Visa for India (eVisa India).


What can Thai citizens do after getting an approved Indian Visa Online by email (eVisa India)?

If the electronic Visa for India (eVisa India) is approved by the Immigration Officers from the Government of India office, then it will be notified to you by secure email. You will find a PDF attachment which you can carry to the airport, alternatively you can take a paper printout of the email electronic Indian Visa Online (eVisa India).

You can go to the airport either in the Thailand or any offshore airport and visit India. At no stage do you need a stamp on your passport for Visa nor is there a need to visit the Indian Embassy or Indian consulate.

Can the Thai Citizens arrive India from any country or only depart from their country of Passport?

You can arrive from any other country, no necessarily commence your flight or cruise from the country of your passport. Additionally, once you have received Indian eVisa by email, you are not required to either visit Indian embassy or get a paper stamp on your passport.

When do I need to contact Embassy?

During the Online electronic Visa process for India, at no stage are you required to visit or call Embassy of India.

However, if your eVisa is rejected for some reason, which is very rare case, then, you may be asked to apply for a regular paper Visa at the Indian Embassy. Read our guide on how to avoid rejection of Indian Visa.

Can I visit India from any country in the world?

Yes, you can enter India from ANY country in the world into India. You need not be living in that country as a resident.

However, there is a limitation on which ports you can enter from and which ports you can exit from. Airports and Seaports are allowed for Entry into India on eVisa. While Airports, Seaports, Railway Ports and Land Ports are allowed for Exit from India on eVisa.

Electronic Visa Requirements to Travel from Thailand to India

Thai nationals can obtain an India eVisa from the Indian government, as they can from many other nations, making them qualified to obtain the electronic travel authorisation to enter India. Thai nationals visiting India only need to complete the online application form for an eVisa by providing the required biographical and passport information to get started. As long as the application is fully filled out and the application cost is paid, a Thai citizen can easily receive an India visa.

Thai nationals need an Indian visa to travel for business, pleasure, or medical purposes. As a result, the Indian eVisa can be described as an online authorisation granted to other foreigners to allow them to enter India legally for a number of trips and reasons.

Almost any typical travel purpose that a Thai tourist has for visiting India can be submitted electronically while applying for a visa. This eVisa is available to citizens of about 171 countries.

What do Thai national enjoy in India?

There are four luxury trains in India that offer visitors a luxurious tour of the country's top locations. There are also upscale 5-star hotels where they can be treated to an elegant setting, warm service, and delectable cuisine while on the tour. These onboard accommodations have been thoughtfully decorated, with top-notch amenities, and well-appointed destinations and itineraries.

These itineraries typically last a week and include sightseeing at popular tourist locations in India. It is the most pleasing way to experience the wonderful warmth and hospitality of the locals. Old historical forts, monuments, and palaces can also be seen while travelling on this opulent train. It is a method to travel in style by train for a week in India, living like a king or queen.

Does India Require A Visa For Holders Of Thai Passports?

Thailand is one of the 170 nations that require a visa to enter India. Thai nationals can travel, do business, or receive medical treatment in India with a visa.

Indian business visas for Thai nationals

Thai nationals travelling to India only for business can apply for an e-business visa. This visa, which allows for two entries, allows for a stay of up to 180 days.

Indian tourist visas for Thai nationals

The Indian tourist visa is travel permission for India, and Thai nationals are eligible to apply if they plan to travel to India for pleasure, tourism, a yoga retreat, or to see friends and family.

Unless they are from the United States, United Kingdom, or Canada, in which case they may stay for 180 days, holders of this category of eVisa are permitted a 90-day stay in India.

Thai nationals need medical visas for India

Indian medical visas for Thai nationals

A Thai holder of a medical visa for India is allowed admission into India three times. Similar to a short-term eVisa, the medical India visa is intended for people travelling to India for medical treatment. Holders of an e-medical visa are permitted to stay for 60 days.

What is the Thai Citizens' Visa Application Form Process?

Start by checking the visa requirements for Thai citizens travelling to India before applying for your visa. Once you're satisfied you have the required paperwork to submit an application,

You can begin completing the India eVisa application form.

The following details must be provided on the application form:

Passport details


Arrival port and the date of arrival

Born on [date]


Email address

Relational status

Check and Verify Your Payment -

Your application will not be completed until you have paid for your eVisa and finished filling out the application with the accurate information as it appears in your passport. Your application will be processed following online payment.

Thai nationals must wait four (4) business days for their India visa to be processed. Application for an Indian eVisa should be made at least four (4) days before your travel. Your email address will get an acceptance or rejection message after your application has been confirmed.

Receiving the eVisa -

The final step in the application procedure is receiving the approval email; you can find your official eVisa approval in your email inbox. The eVisa must be printed before you leave for India and always keep with you while you are there until you leave the country. It must also be presented when you arrive at the border.


Indian e-Visa requires an Ordinary Passport. Learn about every detail for your Passport to enter India for Tourist e-Visa India, Medical e-Visa India or Business e-Visa India. Every detail is covered here comprehensively. Learn more - Indian e-Visa Passport Requirements

What are Thailand's India Visa Requirements?

Thai nationals do not need a complicated visa to enter India as long as they adhere to the regulations. It is mandatory for Thai nationals to produce these documents because they are necessary to obtain permission to enter India. A traveller from Thailand needs the following:

  • Current passport
  • An email address for correspondence and eVisa receipt
  • A colour scan of the first page of your current passport's bio page
  • A current passport photo of you in colour
  • A credit card or debit card for making internet purchases

Along with your eVisa and passport, you might also need to present these documents at the points of entry. When you arrive in India, your passport should still be valid for at least six (6) months. You must submit your fingerprints and a recent photo in addition to your documentation.

Make sure there are at least two blank pages in your passport since the last thing you want is an immigration official sticking a visa sticker in there.

Thai nationals can easily apply for an Indian visa from the comfort of their home. All you have to do is gather the required paperwork before applying for the visa.

Thai Citizens' e-Visa - Apply now!


All details you need to know about Indian Tourist Visa are available on this page. Please make sure you read through the details before applying for eVisa for India. Learn more at India Tourist Visa

Which Ports of Entry Are Allowed for Thai Citizens with An Indian eVisa?

Travelers from Thailand may transit through any of India's authorised airports or seaports. Visitors may, however, depart through any of the authorised Immigration Check Posts (ICPs) located all around the country.

Thai passport holders must apply for a standard visa if one intends to enter India through a port of entry that is not on the list of allowed ports.

Where is the Embassy of India in Thailand?


Embassy of India, 46, Prasarnmitr, Sukhumvit, Soi 23, Bangkok - 10110


02-2580300-5, 022580300-06, 022580307 022604166


02-2584627, 2621740, +66-22594871


[email protected]

Working Hours:

General Timings: Monday to Friday (Except holidays)

Submission of Applications for attestation & OCI/PIO services: Monday to Friday 0900-1200 hours (Except holidays)

Delivery of Consular Documents at the Embassy: Monday to Friday 1500-1630 hours (Except holidays)

Indian Visa and Passport Application Centre


22nd floor, 253 Asoke.

Opp: Rutnin Eye Hospital,

Sukhumvit, Soi 21, Bangkok






[email protected]



Working Hours:

Submission of applications: Monday to Friday 0830-1400 hrs (Except holidays)

Delivery of documents: Monday to Friday 1630-1730 hrs (Except holidays)

Where is the Embassy of Thailand in India?

Thailand Embassy in New Delhi


F 4/5, Vasant Vihar

110 057

New Delhi








[email protected]

Website URL


Thailand Consulate in Kolkata


18-B, Mandeville Gardens


700 019











[email protected]

Thailand Consulate in Mumbai


1 Floor,Dalamal HouseJamnalal Bajaj Marg, Nariman Point

400 007









[email protected]

Thailand Consulate in Chennai


New No.3, Old No.2, First Main Road, Vidyodaya Colony, T.Nagar

600 017











[email protected]

The Indian Business Visa, also known as the e-Business visa, is a type of electronic travel authorisation that allows individuals from eligible countries to visit India for various business-related reasons. This eVisa system was launched in 2014 to simplify the visa application process and attract more foreign visitors to India.

What Are Some Places In India That A Thai Tourist Can Visit?

Because of its rich traditionalism and never-ending surprises, India is one of those places that ends up on every traveller's bucket list. They might have daydreamed about travelling to other royal palaces in Rajasthan or seeing the Taj Mahal in all its splendour in Agra. Others are drawn to Rishikesh, the ethereal city, the quiet Darjeeling region, and the stunning Goa beaches. So check out our list of some of the top places to visit in India -


It's time to cross Kashmir off your bucket list of breathtaking locations in India if you're in your twenties. This is bliss if there is such a thing! Experience its alluring allure before natural disasters and unrest ruin it. And if not right now, when would be a better opportunity to investigate heaven on earth that has been terrorised by floods? If you're a serious food enthusiast, check out the eateries in Srinagar.

April to October is the ideal time to visit.

How to reach Srinagar -

Air travel: Srinagar has a dedicated airport.

By rail: Work is now being done on the Srinagar Railway Station. Passengers can travel via train to Udhampur Railway Station until then (229 km from Srinagar)

Road: Unless you are coming from the city of Jammu & Kashmir, it is not recommended to travel by road to get to Srinagar.

Attractions include Dal Lake (shikara rides and overnight houseboat stays), Nishat Bagh, Shalimar Bagh, Tomb of Zin-ul-Abidin, Jama Masjid, Hazratbal Mosque, Shankaracharya Hill, Pari Mahal, and Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden.

Nagin Lake and Dal Lake are Well-Known Lakes in Srinagar

Andaman Islands

Fear the water? Never been swimming? Perhaps it's time to conquer your fear of the deep sea and overcome your phobia of water and depths. We are confident that you will like the underwater scenery and return often. These are the top tourist destinations in India that resemble paradise for those who adore the water!

November through mid-May is the ideal time to travel.

How to reach -

By air: The main airport for the archipelago is Vir Savarkar Airport in Port Blair.

Ships travel between the towns of Chennai, Kolkata, Visakhapatnam and Haddo Wharf Port in Port Blair via the sea.

Attractions include the Cellular Jail National Memorial, Radhanagar Beach, the Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, Chidiya Tapu, and various water activities like scuba diving, snorkelling, and parasailing at Port Blair's Rajiv Gandhi Water Sports Complex.

Banana boat rides, snorkelling, parasailing, jet-skiing, underwater walking, speed boating, scuba diving, and sport fishing are among the water sports available.

Andaman Cruises: From Chennai, Vizag, and Kolkata, you can take a cruise to Andaman.

24 degrees Celsius (Min.) and 37 degrees are the average temperatures (Max.)

Famous Andaman beaches include Wandoor Beach, Radhanagar Beach, Corbyn's Cove, and Merk Bay Beach.

Which Other Countries Can Submit an Electronic Visa Request For India?

The introduction of eVisa has made it easier for visitors from other countries to enter India. The Indian economy is heavily reliant on the tourism sector. 171 different countries can now apply for electronic visas to India. This suggests that a large number of visitors will experience little difficulty in receiving the required admittance approval to visit India. The eVisa for India was created to streamline the visa application procedure and boost the number of overseas tourists to India.

2024 updates for Thai Citizens seeking Indian Visa

Residents of Chiang Mai, Nakhon Sawan, Nakhon Ratchasima, Surat Thani, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phuket, Chiang Rai, Pak Kret, Pattaya, Bangkok, Khon Kaen, Krabi, Nakhon Pathom, Nonthaburi, Samut, Sakhon are most likely to apply for Indian eVisa. This is because the awareness about eVisa is high in these municipalities of Thailand. Also, Indian eVisa application should only be filled when you are outside the country. Since India accepts eVisa application from over 171 countries, all foreigners who are having a vacation in Thailand can also enter India on eVisa for up to 90-180 days depending on their nationality.

One of the must see destinations of the world, Kerala, rightly known as God’s own country situated on the southern tip of India, can easily become your most favourite vacation spot where a visit once may not be enough to gather the wonders of this beautiful coastal state by the Arabian Sea. learn more at Tourist Guide to Unforgettable Kerala

You require India e-Tourist Visa or Indian Visa Online to witness the amazing places and experiences as a foreign tourist in India. Alternatively, you could be visiting India on an India e-Business Visa and want to do some recreation and sightseeing in India. The Indian Immigration Authority encourages visitors to India to apply for Indian Visa Online rather than visiting Indian Consulate or Indian Embassy.