Air Suvidha Self-Declaration Form for India

Updated on May 30, 2024 | Online Indian Visa

To control the contagious pandemic COVID-19, the Government of India introduced a self-declaration form called, the Air Suvidha Self Declaration Form. But From 2023, the Government of India has withdrawn this since the pandemic ended.

This article could clear up any doubt you may have regarding this self-declaration form.

You can apply for an Indian e-Visa Application from the Indian e-Visa website. You can find the application form there. Select the e-Visa type correctly and proceed further.

What is the Air Suvidha Self-Declaration Form for India?

Indian government officials created a temporary self-declaration form during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not all countries are covered by this. A few nations, including China, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong must complete this self-declaration form before entering India. This was introduced to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Discontinuation of the Air Suvidha Self-Declaration Form

The significant decline of COVID-19 resulted in the discontinuation of this self-declaration form. Factors that influenced this decision-

Efface of COVID-19

When the pandemic that shut down the world started to efface, the Government of India discontinued this requirement in February 2023. It is not necessary to report any negative test results.

However, people should follow all the vaccination and health-related guidelines. Check them out before traveling to India.

Re-introduction of Global Travel

The pandemic crashed the travel industry to pieces. But the travel industry globally started to regain its power by re-introducing it. Adapting to the new normal situations. To align with them India also discontinued this self-declaration form that made travelers travel easily without any restrictions.

Benefits of Discontinuation

Streamlined Travel Process

Discontinuation of the Air Suvidha Self-Declaration enhanced the streamlined process without any complications.

Flow of Tourists

It helped the travelers to visit India without any hassles. Therefore, it enhanced the flow of tourists.

Focus on Other Health Measures

This pandemic made everyone focus on one thing, that is COVID-19. The travel authorities were also very keen to check for COVID-19. Now, they can focus on other health and vaccination declarations and measures also.

All of us should be grateful to all the Travel Authorities for working hard and taking this much risk for public safety.

Even though the discontinuation has benefits, these kinds of restrictions are the major reasons for many people’s health and lives. 

Therefore, travelers applying for an Indian e-Visa do not need to fill out any self-declaration form. Please don’t confuse yourself with it.

According to the regulations of Indian Immigration for India e-Visa or Electronic India Visa, when applying for Tourist e-Visa, Business e-Visa, or Medical e-Visa, you are required to enter India exclusively via air or a designated cruise ship at specified airports and seaports.

Citizens of many countries including United States, France, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Italy are eligible for India e-Visa(Indian Visa Online). You can apply for the Indian e-Visa Online Application right here.

Should you have any doubts or require assistance for your trip to India or India e-Visa,contact Indian Visa Help Desk for support and guidance.